MoCo managing director Ian Robinson thinks being able to offer added-value business apps will be a key point of difference in the market place, with ICT continuing to gather pace
“Even in these hard times businesses will continue to invest in technologies that bring about increased efficiencies. As the take-up of smartphones continues apace, the ability to offer truly added-value business apps will be a key differentiator in a tough marketplace.
“Currently, the moment the field worker leaves the office, they are no longer under the control of, or part of, their office systems. This is now changing and will accelerate greater mobility of the workforce.
“The powerful combination of the Cloud, increased data speeds and sophisticated smartphone devices and tablets is the future of ICT. Apart from this area of growth, businesses will continue to demand reductions in their traditional communications spend.
“What growth we see that is linked to increased demand for data will be matched by a fall in revenues from voice, particularly with the increasing take-up of IP telephony.
“As next generation broadband becomes more of a reality, and Wi-Fi usage and access grows, we all need to think carefully about how we will use and exploit these technologies.
“Retention of customers will be vital for all of us and will be achieved by positioning ourselves as a trusted advisor.”