Motivations to be more environmentally friendly and the cost of living crisis are key reasons for consumers wanting to buy refurbished
A growing appetite for refurbished handsets has been reflected in a new Uswitch report which has revealed over 22 million mobile customers would consider buying a refurbished phone.
The price comparison experts estimate that this could save Brits £2bn when compared to buying brand new.
It comes as over a million Brits bought a refurbished device in the last year, with 18 to 34-year olds the most likely to buy one.
And according to Uswitch’s study of 2,000 UK adults, just over a third (34 per cent) are considering buying refurbished phones for environmental reasons.
The ongoing cost of living crisis has also played a role in these findings, with 24 per cent looking to cut costs where they can, while four in ten (40pc) bemoan the price of the latest handsets as being too expensive.
However despite this, two-fifths of Brits (39pc) wouldn’t consider buying a refurbished handset.
“With budgets being squeezed more than ever, buying a new top-of-the-range phone might not be a priority for many consumers right now,” said Uswitch mobiles expert Ru Bhikha.
“Buying refurbished is also an easy way to be more eco-friendly, giving a pre-owned phone a fresh lease of life and cutting the e-waste produced from buying a new device. It also encourages more mobile consumers to get into the habit of recycling and reusing handsets.”