Website Official iPhone Unlock told to restructure payment process by the Advertising Standards Authority (ASA)
The ASA has found that the website Official iPhone Unlock which specialises in unlocking iPhone devices misled consumers on payment details.
The assessment upheld that the iPhone unlocking service failed to appropriately inform complainants on two separate occasions about a second payment of £120.99 and £104.99 respectively.
One complainant told the ASA that text regarding the additional fee was not clearly represented in the advert without scrolling down further beyond the proposed cost.
Official iPhone Unlock responded to the ASA stating: “The future additional costs for consumers were clearly displayed and written in bold in the ad, and that was viewed prior to the initial payment of £19.99.”
The ASA concluded that information relating to the final payment in a separate occasion was also incorrectly placed when viewing the details on an iPhone, as it is necessary to scroll down beyond the “Pre-Order” Button to see it.
The body ruled that many consumers were likely to follow the “Pre-Order” button and enter the ordering process without scrolling down the page, and therefore that they would believe that the full cost of the service was £19.99.
Official iPhone Unlock has been asked to restructure its adverts at the payment stage and state the precise cost of the final payment before the “Pre-Order” button.
The ASA said: “The information about the additional payment must appear in a sufficiently prominent position to ensure it was not overlooked when viewed on a mobile device.”