Trials start in Manchester for eligible businesses
BT and Amazon Web Services the subsidiary of Amazon that provides on-demand cloud computing platforms have teamed up to bring 5G and 4G mobile edge computing services to BT’s UK business customers. Edge computing is computing done near the source of the data, instead of relying on the cloud at a data centre to do the processing,
Combining EE’s 5G and 4G networks with cloud services from Amazon Web Services (AWS) will provide faster secure connectivity and faster cloud processing. AWS Wavelength embeds AWS computer and storage services within 5G and 4G networks, providing mobile edge computing infrastructure for ultra-low-latency applications.
Hosting services directly at the edge of EE’s UK network reduces lag, as application traffic can reach application servers running in the AWS Wavelength Zone without leaving BT’s network. This opens up mobile edge computing infrastructure for businesses to develop, deploy, and scale mobile Internet of Things (IoT) applications over BT’s existing 5G network securely.
Sectors that will benefit from the move include autonomous vehicles, cameras for policing and other public services like community healthcare, live media production and smart industrial robots, wearable cameras for paramedics and ambulance staff, police body cameras for instant replay and higher-grade footage and ‘frictionless retail’, where shoppers can enter a store, pick up their products and walk out without the need to scan, queue, or check out.

A new AWS Wavelength Zone in Manchester will run trials for eligible businesses and public sector organisations within a 100-kilometre radius(including Liverpool, Leeds, Sheffield and Blackpool. BT wants to roll out AWS Wavelength to business customers across the UK in the coming years.
“Launching the AWS Wavelength is set to unlock use cases like IoT cameras to help first responders keep communities safe: a real-life example of using tech to connect for the good” said BT Wholesale MD Alex Tempest.

“By building cloud edge services into our 5G and 4G EE network, we can accelerate innovation across industries, and bring fast, secure data processing closer to where our customers need it most. We want to give businesses and public sector organisations all the power of edge computing, wherever they are.”