The retailer will offer the iPad 3, Samsung Tab 2 and Nexus 32GB at lower prices than their high-street competitors
Carphone Warehouse today reduced prices for tablets including the iPad 3 and Samsung Tab 2 with the aim of attracting Christmas shoppers.
The retailer says it wants to offer the lowest prices on tablets on the high street. It will sell the Samsung Tab 2 for £149, compared with £199.99 elsewhere.
Carphone will offer the iPad 3 16GB WiFi for £359, down from £399.
The Nexus 32GB will cost Carphone customers £189, selling for £199.99 in other shops.
Carphone’s chief commercial officer Graham Stapleton said: “We are determined to offer the best price for customers on the high street this Christmas.
“With a raft of new models just landing on shelves from the likes of Apple, Google and Amazon, tablets are sure to be top of many customers’ wish lists.
“For years desktop PC sales have been in decline, while the tablet market has gone from strength to strength.”
Stapleton said the company’s partnership with Best Buy gives it the power to offer competitive prices.
Recent data from Carphone shows that tablets are increasingly seen as an essential part of a broader mobile package, with 59% of all tablet sales now sold as either connected or tethered.