Eight dealers that purchase the most Nokia Lumia smartphones in the three-month period will win a trip to the event in London
Daisy Distribution has teamed up with Nokia to offer its dealers a chance to win a trip to London’s Oktober Bierfest, which begins on September 19.
The incentive runs from May 1 until July 31 and sees the top eight partners purchasing the most Nokia Lumia Lumioa smartphones across all variants, including SIM-free, winning a place on the trip.
The distributor said the promotion comes as one of a series of Nokia handset promotions that it is set to run this year as part of its aim to increase the market share of Lumia smartphones in the UK.
Daisy Distribution marketing director Julien Parven said: “While the reward for this promotion is very light-hearted, the principle behind it is very much part of our strategic plan to align ourselves with Nokia and to assist and encourage partners in the adoption of the Lumia smartphone range.
“The device range offers something for every business customer and dovetails perfectly with our other initiatives of promoting Office 365 as a secondary, complimentary product to our airtime services.
“We want to educate and inform partners on the Lumia experience while ensuring that we thank those with whose support we can achieve our objectives.”