Residents of London Borough of Tower Hamlets can access these 4G bus shelters
Connectivity infrastructure-as-a-service provider Freshwave and Clear Channel have collaborated with Virgin Media O2 and have introduced 4G bus shelters in the London Borough of Tower Hamlets.
As customer data usage is increasing by a third annually and demand for 5G also densifies, Freshwave and Clear Channel introduced this innovative way of providing connectivity.
Small cell technology is installed in these Clear Channel’s bus shelters, which increases access to top speeds and capacity in the area.
Freshwave and Clear Channel claim that bus shelters currently provide an essential public function in busy areas like main streets, but more people are trying to utilise the mobile signal from the same macrocell which puts additional strain on networks.
Therefore, they believe that bus shelters offer a robust structure and excellent capacity to carry the technology as operators look for ways to strengthen their networks with the rising demand of connectivity infrastructure.
Simon Frumkin, CEO at Freshwave, said: “Smart cities and towns need new approaches to digital connectivity. And the more existing street assets that can be used to bring this to our towns, the better it is for both the mobile network operators and the customers and communities they serve. This is why we’re already working on a multi-operator, multi- technology design for bus shelter use too.”