The ISP is eyeing up 500,000 premises by 2025
Jurassic Fibre has confirmed its Fibre-to-the-Premises (FTTP) coverage has surpassed 100,000 premises.
The Devon-based internet service provider which was founded in 2018 to boost broadband coverage in the South-West provides network coverage to 20 towns.
After securing £250m in capital investment from Fern Trading back in 2019, Jurassic Fibre is targeting half a million homes across the region by 2025.
Since launching, the firm has invested over £100m and currently employs over 350 people.
“The achievement, most significantly, demonstrates our ongoing commitment to deliver on our ambition to give the South West the best digital infrastructure in the UK,” said Jurassic Fibre CEO and founder Michael Maltby.
“The pandemic has highlighted a simple truth; that communities, that are not connected to fibre in the 21st century, will be condemned to slow decline just as much as those in the 19th Century that were by passed by the railways.”
Areas surved by Jurassic Fibre include towns in counties including Cornwall, Devon, Dorset and Somerset.