iPhone 5c and 5S will work on O2’s network, despite Apple’s official website stating otherwise.
O2 has told Mobile News the new iPhone 5C and 5S (pictured) handsets “will” work on its 4G network – after Apple listed just EE and Vodafone listed as having compatible 4G networks.
According to the official Apple website the new devices, which go on sale September 20, will only work on the 2100MHx, 1900MHz, 1800MHz, 850MHz, 2600MHz, 900MHz 4G/LTE frequencies.
O2’s 4G network runs on 800MHz, which is not currently listed as being compatible with the new range.
O2 however took to Facebook yesterday evening following their unveiling to assure customers the device would be compatible with its 4G network, with O2’s press team this morning echoing that sentiment.
Screen grab from the Apple website taken this morning, September 11.