Fans from all over the world can now have their messages of support for their team in the Rugby Wold Cup displayed on the roof of The O2
O2 has opened up its digital projection on The O2 in conjunction with the Rugby World Cup to fans across the world.
The mobile operator unveiled the projection on the roof of the venue – the largest of its kind in the world – prior to the start of the Rugby Wold Cup last month to enable fans to tweet their support for the England team.
However, they have now been eliminated at the pool stage of the tournament, so O2 has extended the project to fans across the world.
From tonight, they can tweet their messages of support and have them projected onto the roof of The O2 using #TheO2. Those that have their message displayed will receive an exclusive personalised image and gif of their tweet.
The projection is visible from space and uses 68 projectors and over 144 moving head light fixtures attached to the interior and exterior of the masts on the arena to light it up. The projectors and lights cover a surface area equivalent to 10 rugby pitches.
O2 marketring and consumer director Nina Bibby said: “We want to celebrate the sport of rugby, so what better way than to hand over the roof of The O2 so that fans everywhere in the world can support their teams, from grassroots all the way to professional levels, in a unique and visual way.”