Ocushield’s products protect from blue light and radiation
Ocushield has unveiled its newest screen protector, which helps block electromagnetic field
(EMF) radiation on phones.
The screen protector, which is FDA-approved, sits between a person’s smartphone and case, with the aim of protecting the face from EMF radiation.
The technology interacts with a phone’s antenna to limit the intensity of radiation, with
Ocushield claiming that it protects users from EMF radiation waves by up to 75 per cent, as well as improving brain function.
The company became well-known after Dhruvin Patel and Asad Hamir appeared on the TV programme Dragons’ Den in 2021, pitching products that protect people from blue light
emitted by tech.
Ocushield now sells anti-blue light glasses, an Oculamp that provides low levels of blue light, and a range of products that fit 60 devices.
“Limiting cellphone radiation exposure is something to consider in order to limit the side effects that may occur later in life,” said Patel, who is CEO and founder of Ocushield.
“If you are using a smartphone regularly, using a high-quality EMF sleeve is your best bet.”
He added: “We’ve developed the Ocushield EMF Radiation Insert with patented technology, which has been developed by expert physicists, to interact with your device to divert radiation without impacting signal strength or quality.”