The operator expects to see 5G to be available from the second half of next year
Three has revealed it has committed over £2 billion investment in the development of 5G.
The two billion has been spent over the past two years and included agreements with IBM, SSE Enterprise Telecoms and Huawei and the acquisitions of UK Broadband and 20Mhz of 5G spectrum.
According to Three customers on its network are using three-and-a-half times more data than the industry average and the investment is designed to see Three in the best position for the launch of 5G next year.
Three CEO Dave Dyson said: “We have always led on mobile data and 5G is another game-changer. Also described as wireless fibre, 5G delivers a huge increase in capacity together with ultra-low latency. It opens up new possibilities in home broadband and industrial applications, as well as being able to support the rapid growth in mobile data usage.
“This is a major investment into the UK’s digital infrastructure. UK consumers have an insatiable appetite for data and 5G unlocks significant capability to meet that demand.
“We have been planning our approach to 5G for many years and we are well positioned to lead on this next generation of technology. These investments are the latest in a series of important building blocks to deliver the best end to end data experience for our customers.”