Special cheap one-month rolling contract can be cancelled at any time
Three UK has launched an exclusive £12 a month social tariff through its sub-brand SMARTY for people who can prove they are on employment support, job seeker allowance, income support or pension credit
The exclusive tariff offers unlimited data, calls and texts, and 5G on a one-month rolling plan which can be changed or cancelled at any time.
Three estimates more than 4.2m households could benefit from the offering.
“With the cost-of-living crisis continuing to put financial pressure on many of our customers, Three is committed to playing its part in the solution. People need support and that should include access to affordable connectivity without restrictions. I am delighted that we are launching this tariff today, offering low-cost access to our network for the customers who need it most.” said Three chief commercial officer Elaine Carey.

The introduction of the new tariff follows other social measures from Three, The network has donated a million gigabytes of data to connect 40,000 disadvantaged people through the Good Things Foundation. which manages the distribution of used devices to people in need.
It has also relaunched its Reconnected programme which gives refurbished devices with six months of unlimited connectivity to disadvantaged people.