2G network remains in place for voice and texts
Vodafone’s 3G switch-off starts next month following successful pilot trials across Plymouth and Basingstoke in February. 3G coverage will be phased out and replaced by improved 4G and 5G services. Vodafone’s 2G network, which covers over 99 per cent of the UK population, will remain for calls and texts.
The phased switch-off starts in Hull, Oxford and Greater London before progressing across the South. The remainder of the UK will follow later in the year
The end of the 3G network is part of Vodafone UK’s strategy to reach Net Zero in four years as 5G networks are said to be energy efficient. A terabyte of data sent over 5G uses just seven per cent of the energy as a 3G network says Vodafone
Vodafone has partnered with charities and other third parties, to support those needing extra support. Ofcom has set up a web site page explaining the 3G switch off.
This includes working with We Are Digital, a social impact organisation, manned by advisors who can help callers to set up a phone or tablet. The Digital Skills Helpline is free to call from any UK mobile or landline, and is open to everyone, whether or not they are Vodafone customers.
Vodafone’s Network Director Andrea Dona, said:
“3G use has already dropped significantly as most of Vodafone’s customers now use the 4G network. Less than four per cent of the data is used on our 3G network, in comparison to more than 30 per cent in 2016”.
“We’re also improving our 4G and 5G coverage. Now is the time to say goodbye to 3G and focus on the current benefits and future possibilities of our 4G and 5G networks.”

Customers who want to know more about the Vodafone 3G switch-off programme at www.vodafone.co.uk/3G-switch-off or by visiting their local Vodafone store.