The West Midlands Combined Authority is the best-connected region for 5G according to a mobile coverage study from telecoms analyst Umlaut.
The report analyses 5G coverage across the UK’s Combined Authority areas and shows two-thirds of locations in the region can get 5G from at least one network operator. This is 300 per cent coverage since December 2021. Other regions, typically have 5G coverage across less than half of their geographies.
Combined Authorities are set up to improve their region’s economies. They invest in the region through collaboration with partners but don’t replace local councils.
“Given the present and future importance of 5G technology here in the UK, it’s great to see our region at the top of the connectivity table,” said Andy Street, Mayor of the West Midlands and WMCA Chair.
“By continuing to grow our region’s 5G infrastructure, the West Midlands will remain at the forefront of digital innovation harnessing the power of this technology, attracting investment and driving innovation all for the benefit of residents right across the region.”

Robert Franks, managing director of digital innovation company WM5G
WM5G was formed from a three-year Government -funded programme to accelerate the rollout of 5G and be the lead partner of the DCMS 5G Testbeds and Trials Programme.
“Improving broadband access is key to opening up opportunities across the region. However, the report demonstrates how our region is now in a strong position to lead the way in the delivery of its digital ambitions.”

Last month Birmingham City Council announced the signing of the first Open Access Agreements with telecoms infrastructure providers to use council lampposts to host so-called ‘small cells’. Access agreements usually take a year to put in place. The WM5G reduced this to six working weeks.