Mobile News wants your views on the new BlackBerry Passport smartphone.
Reaction towards the new BlackBerry Passport, launched yesterday, has been rather mixed.
Whilst analysts have largely praised the Canadian firms bold efforts around design and improvements to its operating system, reactions expressed on social media have proved less than kind.
But what do you think? Will the Passport elevate BlackBerry back to past glories? What do you think to the design? If you’re a reseller, will you be pushing the device to your customers?
We want to hear your views, with the best being included in the next issue, out a week on Monday. If you wish to remain anonymous, please specify.
Comments can be made via the website, or by emailing the editorial team.
Paul Withers: paulw@mobilenewscwp.co.uk
Padraig McGarrigle: paddym@mobilenewscwp.co.uk
James Pearce: Jamesp@mobilenewscwp.co.uk
Michael Garwood: michaelg@mobilenewscwp.co.uk