Manufacturer will not be making any more after initially ending sales and exchanges of the device
Samsung has permanently ended production of the Galaxy Note7 after a number of recent incidents where replacement devices caught fire or exploded.
The manufacturer had already reduced production on the high-end device and earlier today announced it will halting sales of the smartphone globally while further investigation takes place.
A Samsung spokesman told Mobile News: “We can confirm the report that Samsung has permanently discontinued the production of Galaxy Note7.
“For the benefit of consumers’ safety, we stopped sales and exchanges of the Galaxy Note7 and have consequently decided to stop production.”
Replacement Note7 devices had been branded as safe by Samsung.
A man in the US had reportedly said he woke to a room full of smoke from a replaced Note7. This followed a domestic US flight being evacuated after a Note7 reportedly caught fire.
Mobile operators in the UK have already taken measures in response to the recent incidents.
Samsung had this morning strongly advised customers still in possession of the Note7 to “power down and stop using the device and take advantage of the remedies available”.